If you have a food truck business that has gotten stale or maybe the truck has become synonymous with poor quality food or poor service, it may be time to rebrand your food truck. Rebranding a food truck is surprisingly easy and with a few moves in the right direction, you can get your food truck back on track. Here’s our guide to rebranding a food truck the right way.

Rebrand Your Food Truck: Go!

Create a New Food Truck Concept

The first step in rebranding your food truck is to understand the concept of the new brand. Maybe you’re changing your menu or your business name, or both. Get a clear idea of what the new truck brand will be, what you will serve and how will you serve it. How is the new concept different from the previous, failing concept? These are all things that you should know, understand and have a clear vision of before moving on. This step is the building block for later steps, so make sure you take your time and really understand what it is you want to do and how you want to do it. This can be a tricky step for the average person but the key is simplicity. Keep it simple and the process will be simple.

Creating or Modifying Your Menu

This is an important step. If you plan on changing your menu, now is the time to write it in stone. Work out your new menu items on paper and cook them – repeatedly. This allows you to fully understand the process of making these new items including the ingredients needed, the prep process, traveling procedures and finished presentation. Make sure your new items are tasty and delicious while taking notes along the way. Sometimes, a slight difference in cooking or prep procedure can make a mediocre menu item into a big seller! So get your process down pat for the new items. Invite some family and friends for a tasting session and get feedback on your new recipe ideas.

Coin A New Food Truck Name

Deciding on a new name for your food truck business can be a complicated process. As mentioned above, keep it simple and try to boil down your new name to be directly relevant to the food that you serve or your new brand concept. Most food trucks aren’t trying to be too serious about themselves so don’t be afraid to choose something playful and fun. In most cases, something simple and direct is perfect. “Tina’s Tacos”, Jared’s Juices” or “Busters Burgers” are all good examples of simple brand names for food trucks.

Changing the Look of Your Food Truck

Along with a new brand comes a new look. Begin designing a new logo, truck graphics, packaging and marketing assets. Your new look should be on par with your new name and change of direction. If you don’t know how to design a formal logo and assets, try drawing some ideas on paper or just hire a graphic designer and convey your ideas to them. If you do decide to hire a designer, allow them a little creative elbow room to have their take on your logo. More often than not, a seasoned designer has a better vision of your brand than you do and outside opinions should be welcomed.

Apply the new logo and aesthetic look to a truck wrap and anything else you need as part of your relaunch. Trying these elements in a few different variations is important to get it just right. Don’t be afraid to stretch a little.

Executing the New Brand

Now that you have a new concept, new look and several assets designed, it’s time to pull the trigger and go to production. Send the truck in to get wrapped and have your new assets printed up. In a few days, all of the pieces will start to come together and you’ll get to see your new business in its’ full glory.

Hit The Wild Frontier

Once you have everything assembled and printed, it’s time to set out and start operating as your new brand. You may want to take several steps to market and promote your new food truck before your first day. Try to drum up some local buzz on social media or even have a launch party with free samples and some music to attract attention in crowded places. Good luck out there!

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